Sample Curricula

Science Preprofessional Sequence

First Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
WR 13100. Writing and Rhetoric 3 University Requirement or Elective* 3
MATH 10350 4 MATH 10360 4
CHEM 10171 4 CHEM 10172 4
University Requirement 3 Literature 3
University Requirement 3 University Requirement 3
First Year Experience 1 First Year Experience 1
Total: 18 Total: 18
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
CHEM 20273 4 CHEM 20274 4
BIOS 10171. Biological Sciences I 3 BIOS 10172. Biological Sciences II 3
BIOS 11173. Biological Sciences Lab 1 BIOS 11174. Biological Sciences Lab 1
Elective 3-6 Elective 3-6
Language 3 Language 3
Total: 14-17 Total: 14-17
Junior Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Science Elective ** 3 Science Elective ** 3
Physics (PHYS 20210, 21210) 4 Physics (PHYS 20220, 21220) 4
Language or Elective 3 Electives 6-9
University Requirement 3    
Science Elective 3    
Total: 16 Total: 13-16
Senior Year
Fall Semester Spring Semester
Science Elective** 6-9 Science Electives** 6-9
University Requirement-Literature** 3 University Requirement 3

University Requirement


Elective 3-6
Total: 12-15 Total: 12-15
Minimum Total Credits: 64 science; 124 total


**The choice by the student of elective courses in science for the program in preprofessional studies will be based upon the requirements of the professional schools and upon the lists of courses suggested or recommended by those schools in which the student is interested; the choice will be based also upon the advice and counseling of the chair of the department. From the Medical and Dental School Requirements Books, the following courses would be the most highly recommended in addition to the five basic science courses, giving the student applicant the best science background to be a most attractive candidate to any school to which he or she wishes to apply: biochemistry, genetics, physiology, cell biology, developmental biology, and microbiology. Additional courses in higher mathematics, statistics, and computer science are recommended for qualified students. Students not only must fulfill their requirements but, in the case of the sciences (mathematics, chemistry, biology and physics), also are strongly encouraged to follow the sequence of courses as listed. This sequence is designed in the light of health-related professional school requirements so that one course builds on knowledge gained from a prior course, even one from a different department; it is also structured to maintain a rigorous course load of at least two such courses per semester, with some adjustment possible in the senior year. Summer sessions, transfer credits, and other modification into the regular curriculum should not be allowed to disturb this sequence of courses in the sciences without good reason.

** The Science Preprofessional Major requires a semester of Literature.